Wednesday 15 October 2014

Deconstruction of Lyrics

Using wordle allowed us to identify the key words in the lyrics, this enables us to know what ideas and concepts to focus on when creating our music videos. For example, the words 'disorder', 'feel' and 'pain' show that the lyrics are very personal and meaningful which means we will need to show that in our music video for it to be successful. We could do so by using close-ups on the artist to show his emotions as well as lip syncing, we could also film and edit in such a way that the idea of pain and disorder is illustrated (e.g desaturated to show pain, fast paced or disoriented shots to convey disorder). The words 'window' and 'world' inspire the idea to use windows and reflections. 'World' could also suggest just the artist's normal life and routine, so perhaps shots of towns and people going about their routines could work well. 'Dust' and 'across' inspire the idea for a shot where the artist stamps on the ground and cause dust to fly across the shot. Another example would be the matching the word 'skyline' with a panning or normal shot of a skyline, or simply including the shot of a skyline in out music video to relate to the lyrics.

Examples of words that appear often are, as can be seen in the wordle; dust, disorder, window, skyline, world, pain, feel, across etc.