Friday 3 October 2014

Pitch: Analysis and Feedback

This first feedback form shows that we have met our peer's expectations fully on our choice of song, our ideas for mise-en-scene and also our choice of record label. 
It shows that we may need to increase our research into and analysis of our target audience; this could be done through research into our target audience's expectations of the Indie Rock genre.
It also shows that we need to spend more time analysing the lyrics of our song (Across the Skyline) and develop more detailed and specific ideas for the narrative of our music video. 
Lastly it shows that we need to add more detail to our editing ideas; we need to include more detail
on the transitions and visual effects that we may use. 
This second feedback form shows that we have met a majority of our peer's expectations fully on all but one of the categories.
It also shows that we need to spend more time developing our narrative ideas.
This third feedback form shows that we have met our peer's expectations fully on our choice of song and we have met their exceptions almost fully in most of the other categories (similarly to the first form, we need to add detail to these categories). 
It shows that we need a lot more work on our narrative ideas; we will need to look at our lyrics, the codes and conventions of the Indie Rock genre and our audience's expectations in order to develop detailed narrative ideas.  

The key feedback we have taken from this peer evaluation is that we definitely need to work on our narrative ideas and we may need to add some more detail to other areas including target audience and editing.