Friday 12 December 2014

Album Art Design Ideas

This picture is my interpretation of the music and my first initial ideas for our CD cover.
I have used colour- purple and blue. These are deep, dark colours which represents the pained and longing feel of the song.
The birds flying across the page link to the lyrics "bitter the bird that flies", we have included footage of birds in our video and including birds in the CD cover will link it to the song and lyrics.
The houses that I've drawn on the waves of colour represent a skyline through the eyes of our tormented artist. It creates confusion and disorientation.
I have also drawn pictures associated with our artist, I have drawn gritted teeth and a desaturated field scene with our artist standing in the middle. This link of our music video and would show the audience who the artist is.
The chain hanging down the centre of the page links to the themes of restriction and entrapment. Chains could be used on the CD cover as accessories or as a physical restraint trapping our artist.

My initial CD cover designs:

This is my design for the front cover.
The artist is in the centre of the page, he is wearing a dark jacket and dark trousers. The chains will be around the artist's wrists restraining him, holding him down. There will be chain hung in the top corners of the cover to emphasise the themes of entrapment -these could be digitally added.
There will be one light source illuminating one side of the artists face and body. This will make the artist stand out but also symbolically represent his inner struggle to be free.

This is my design for the inside front cover.
It will be a photograph of the whole band. Whilst filming we took photos of the band performing so that they were acting naturally. Using a photo of the band will help the audience to associate the band with the song and the album. Because the photo was taken during the filming process it will directly link the album to the music video. This could increase the number of views/downloads of the music video because the photo of the band will show the audience that we have created a music video to accompany the album.

This is my design for the inside back cover/CD.
The CD will have images of birds printed onto it, they will all have one wing pointing into the centre of the CD and the other wings pointing outwards. There will be around 6/7 birds on the CD arranged in a circle. This will link the album directly to the lyrics in Across the Skyline- "bitter the bird that flies". This should increase the lasting impact of the song making it more memorable.

This is my design for the back cover.
It includes birds again. The titles of the songs in the album will be moulded along the line of the birds wings. This creates an aesthetically pleasing effect and it is memorable. The use of birds will again link to the lyrics "bitter the bird that flies", but birds also connote freedom and space. These connotations contrast dramatically with the front cover of the CD which represents entrapment and suffering.

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